Clinic+O currently operates with a network of healthcare providers and partners based in Conakry and surrounding communities, and in six cities in Middle Guinea, reaching a collective population of 2+ million. Our tech-enabled approach, providing hybrid virtual and in-person care, brings advances that eliminate geographic barriers, reduce cost & travel time required for treatment, and ensure that patient data is securely recorded:

To date we conducted consultations both in person and virtually in Conakry, Simambossiya, Labe, Mamou, Timbi, Madina and Lelouma. They resulted in the following impact:

• 85% reduction in avoidable emergency care visits 

• 30% patient repeat requests

• Zero transportation fees to access primary care 

• 71% reduction in unnecessary referrals 

• 4-8 hours of travel time saved per patient


We deliver basic health services via home care, teleconsultation, and mass consultations


We are first to convene all healthcare providers and patients on a unified system